The Central Detective Training Institute, Chandigarh was set up in 1973. There are five CDTI’s in India located at Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Kolkata Jaipur and Ghaziabad functioning under Bureau of Police Research & Development, Ministry of Home Affairs. The objective of the CDTI is to provide training to inservice police personal upto the rank of Dy. Ss.P.
Among the several courses run by the institution, the course of the longest duration (10 weeks) is Advanced Cource on Investigation & Detection of Crimes for the police personal of the ranks of Sub Inspectors and Inspectors having minimum 5 years experience in their respective fields. In this course the police personnel are trained on various aspects of Scientific Aids to Investigation as well as Law & Procedure and professional knowledge. The syllabus of the course is chalked out by BRP&D and is upgraded regularly to make it more relevant and topical.
I congratulate Central Detective Training Institute (CDTI) Chandigarh one of the oldest premier Training Institutes in India established in the year 1973, under the aegis of BPR&D for launching its updated website. This website will carry information about the activities carried out in the institution alongwith relevant links.
The Objective of CDTI Chandigarh is to provide training to in – service police personnel upto the rank of Dy.SsP and it is putting remarkable efforts in imparting such training by using various scientific aspects of the crime investigation and other police related subjects along with sensitizing them on the various social issues which affect day to day policing. The launching of this official website will enhance the accessibility and the visibility of the various capacity building activities undertaken by the Institute.
It is also pertinent to mention that CDTI Chandigarh has been evolving as Centre of Excellence for Organized Crimes and organizing courses on Organized Crimes and providing training to the Police Officers from friendly countries.
Since 2018, CDTI Chandigarh has started conducting short duration training programmes for Judicial Officers and Prosecutors also on subjects like Cyber Crimes, Women Safety and Scientific Aids to Investigation, which are much appreciated by stakeholders.
I am confident with the continued efforts of CDTI Chandigarh to continuously improve upon the course contents and make the training course interesting and trainee friendly, the new website would go a long way towards achieving the ultimate goal of imparting quality training to police officers and other stakeholders. I would like the valued feedback of the State Police Organizations and the Central Police Organizations to further improve the contents of the Website and the courses conducted at CDTI, Chandigarh. I wish Director, CDTI, Chandigarh and staff members the very best in all their future endeavours.
It’s a matter of great pleasure that Central Detective Training Institute Chandigarh has now its own website. The website will carry information about the activities carried out in the institution. CDTI Chandigarh has organized 48 Courses in year 2021-22 on different subject and would be organizing 52 training courses in the year 2022-23. I am sure that the information uploaded on the website will benefit the Law Enforcement Agencies in keeping themselves update about the training calendar of CDTI, Chandigarh. It is my humble appeal to the State Police Organizations and the Central Police Organizations to fully utilize the seats by nominating the suitable police officers.
The valued feedback of the State Police Organizations and the Central Police Organizations is solicited to further improve upon the contents of the Website and the courses conducted at CDTI, Chandigarh.