It’s a matter of great pleasure that Central Detective Training Institute Chandigarh has now its own website. The website will carry information about the activities carried out in the institution. CDTI Chandigarh has organized 48 Courses in year 2021-22 on different subject and would be organizing 52 training courses in the year 2022-23. I am sure that the information uploaded on the website will benefit the Law Enforcement Agencies in keeping themselves update about the training calendar of CDTI, Chandigarh. It is my humble appeal to the State Police Organizations and the Central Police Organizations to fully utilize the seats by nominating the suitable police officers.

The valued feedback of the State Police Organizations and the Central Police Organizations is solicited to further improve upon the contents of the Website and the courses conducted at CDTI, Chandigarh. With Best Wishes and Regards

Rani Bindu Sachdeva IPS
Director, CDTI, Chandigarh.